Ty and I walked down to the town this afternoon, starting at the top of Fore Street and buying a thermos flask and some vegetables, paying some money into the bank, buying a stamp for a letter to France, calling in the Co-op for milk and yoghurt, then carrying on down to the river to walk home along the shore to the creek then up the Coombe and home. A nice walk, one of Ty's favourites, but only possible at lowish tide.
On the way we pass the Union at Waterside, and I was very pleased to see that George the Goose is back with the swans. He first arrived just before Christmas and very quickly established himself as boss of the waterside gang, but he has been on the missing list for a couple of months. I'm not sure how long exactly because I haven't been down there very much while I was wounded, and when I enquired the bar staff hadn't noticed...
Anyway, this afternoon he's back. Looking a bit thin, but otherwise just as bossy as ever. One assumes he's been looking for love, but equally one assumes he hasn't found it, otherwise I don't think he'd have bothered coming back to swan city.
On the move!
Trucking in English is moving. In the interests of having the sort of
functionality I need for hosting podcasts (yes, they really are coming
soon) I have b...
14 years ago