breaking your right arm? For me, anyway, the only thing I am finding impossible is doing my hair. It just isn't possible to wrestle waist length hair into submission with one hand, especially when it's the 'wrong' one. I'm sure I remember a time when I was surrounded by little girls who liked nothing better than fiddling with other people's hair, especially mine because there was so much of it, bu I can't find anyone now.
The (female) friend we were with for the weekend when it happened used to work in a hairdressers, although not, obviously, as a stylist, but couldn't get the concept of winding it into a bun and holding it against my head so I could slap a clip on it. Ron took several goes to manage getting an elastic band (well three, at 12 inch intervals) round it, but mastered the technique eventually shortly before I got the big scissors out. Not that they would have done me much good - they just don't work in the left hand at all.
Eating is also tricky and will have to remain a private struggle for now, cutting bread isn't very good, but most other things are possible. I have had a shower, with my right arm taped into a plastic bag, and I have hung out the washing. I have put the bread machine on, and I've found the bus timetable for my appointment at the fracture clinic on Friday. I have told Ron I can't wash up...
On the move!
Trucking in English is moving. In the interests of having the sort of
functionality I need for hosting podcasts (yes, they really are coming
soon) I have b...
14 years ago
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