They are kind, strangers, as a general rule, although I somehow never quite expect them to be. And they have stranger stories than you expect, too.
A fellow dog walking acquaintance today loaned me an ingenious one handed folding knife and fork combo which will enable me to go out and eat in public with my broken wing, if I want to. I had noticed, but never speculated on, the fact that her right arm is held at an awkward angle and doesn't seem to be used much - it turns out that she had a stroke at age 15 and had to learn to use her left hand for everything. The eating implement she remembers as the best and most liberating present she ever received, and she has used them ever since. Not having to rely on others to cut up one's food is important!
I haven't used it yet, as Ron prepared an easy-eat chicken soup tonight. He is being very good. I shall have to practice eating with the implement before I take it out in public as it is apparently quite tricky to use without cutting or spiking oneself.
On the move!
Trucking in English is moving. In the interests of having the sort of
functionality I need for hosting podcasts (yes, they really are coming
soon) I have b...
14 years ago
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