Yesterday was a Good Day. The sky was blue, the sun was actually warm for the first time this year, spring was really getting on with it. Down at Latchbrook the rookery is being loudly refurbished, smaller birds are racing round madly chasing each other in and out of the bushes - and there was so much frogspawn in the little marsh that I didn't feel at all guilty about taking some home to populate my little pond. A Good Day.
Today started well, too. The weather was wet and miserable, but we had an excellent meeting at Rilla Mill this morning and I was still quite cheerful when I left there to come home at 12.30. I got as far as Callington before the day turned Bad. I got a puncture. Right in the middle of the town where the main A388 is constricted by all the old buildings and the articulated lorries, tractors, buses and other traffic are all struggling to negotiate their way through. I managed to get half off the road, but I could sense the lorry drivers thinking evil thoughts at me as they struggled past.
The RAC took an hour and a half to get to me. Then the spare tyre was soft, and when the RAC man tried to blow it up the valve exploded, which meant even more standing around in the cold and rain while he blew up the punctured tyre and put it back for (just) long enough for me to drive up the hill and round the corner to a tyre place. It wasn't repairable, naturally; there's a cut over an inch long right across the middle of the tread. Goodness knows what I ran over to cause that. So now I have two new tyres on the front, and the best three of what was left on the back wheels and as a spare. I am rather less solvent than I was this morning, and consider the day to have lost its bright promise. I haven't even been to check up on my frogspawn!
On the move!
Trucking in English is moving. In the interests of having the sort of
functionality I need for hosting podcasts (yes, they really are coming
soon) I have b...
14 years ago