Walk across Plymouth without crossing a road? Ian said it could be done, so we tried it. Actually in our four or five mile walk from the Tesco superstore at Woolwell to the Beefeater at Marsh Mills for lunch we had to cross three, although the first to get from the nearest car park to the entrance to Cann Woods shouldn't count, and the last two little ones on the way from Coypool to Marsh Mills wouldn't have counted either if we hadn't wanted to go to the pub for lunch. I reckon Ian passed the challenge with flying colours, and we had a very enjoyable stroll through the woods. I had no idea that the woodland along the river Plym came as close in to the city centre as it does, nor that it was possible to get under all the flyovers and round the islands at Marsh Mills so easily on foot.
It was gentle walking, too, all along good paths and tending downhill all the way - we started at about 500ft above sea level and got right down to the tidal part of the river. There was plenty of water for the dogs to stand, play or swim in according to their mood and some interesting industrial ruins. I was intrigued by the information board by the water wheel pit at Cann Quarry. Apparently it was built and opened in 1865 to replace a steam winch used for hauling slate wagons up from the quarry. Even then, it would appear, the green faction were trying to provide cheaper, less fuel hungry alternatives. Unfortunately it was not a success, and closed again after only a year, being replaced by the original steam winch.
At the Coypool end of the walk we travelled alongside the three quarter mile stretch of restored railway line which is part of a project to get all the way to Plym Bridge (twice that far!). From there we were back near, but not in, traffic and bustle. There are footpaths parallel to the road but hidden from it, and then a fascinating view of the A38 flyover from underneath, then more secret footpaths to Sainsbury's and a very long footbridge over the Embankment to the Beefeater, where we had lunch. Normal lunch, not the St Valentine's Special.
Eight human and three canine walkers today, joined by three more humans for lunch. The weather was, well, pleasant enough but undistinguished. The walk and the company were of the best.
On the move!
Trucking in English is moving. In the interests of having the sort of
functionality I need for hosting podcasts (yes, they really are coming
soon) I have b...
14 years ago
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