I heard them first, of course, such loud noises for such tiny creatures. Just before half past eight, a sunny, windy morning, and I was taking Ty out. There they were, right on edge of the coombe, a nestful of wrens trying their wings for the first time. I counted seven in sight at once, though there were probably more. Three of them landed on a tree trunk just in front of me; two went off to the sides, the third came to a branch within two feet of my eyes and stayed there for more than a minute. I've never been that close for that long to a wren before, so close I could count the spots on those new shiny feathers. I didn't realise they fledged with such short tails - there is nothing there to take away the roundness of the outline.
Our local Lidl was advertising folding wooden garden chairs this week, available from Thursday. On Tuesday, or thereabouts, I showed the picture to Ron and we decided we'd have a couple. Yesterday (Friday) I went to get some - and discovered that they had sold out within a couple of hours of the shop opening on Thursday morning! They did, however, have some of the rather more substantial (and more expensive) folding armchairs, so I got one of those instead.
It's really too big for our 'garden' - I'm fairly certain I won't be able to use it when the rotary clothes dryer is opened out - but very comfortable, and I tested it for an hour yesterday afternoon with a cup of tea and a good book. If we have a summer (and it seems as if it may happen, judging by this week anyway) I am prepared. Next project is to get a laptop, after which I may well move outdoors altogether...
On the move!
Trucking in English is moving. In the interests of having the sort of
functionality I need for hosting podcasts (yes, they really are coming
soon) I have b...
14 years ago