Well the promised card reader arrived from Ebay today - and the card from my camera is not compatible. This is spite of the fact that it was actually listed on the Ebay description, which is why I chose that particular reader from the several dozen models available. I was deeply disappointed, and have emailed them for advice, but in the meantime I fiddled and played and got all sorts of error messages but eventually managed to download the pictures I took on Saturday by way of the USB lead supplied with the camera. What software (if any) it was using I'm not sure - I'd downloaded a Windows 98 update from the Camera site (the only free update available) then when I plugged the camera in XP 'detected' it as new hardware, offered to find the software, claimed it couldn't and it wouldn't work, and it did... So now for today's second technical question - how to put a goose on a blog?

And at the third attempt, it's even more or less where I wanted it to be! So there you are, that's three new things I've done today.
The first new thing was a Tai Chi class at lunchtime. I imagine that when one knows what one is doing it may be destressing and relaxing, but I can't even walk the way I'm supposed to without falling over at the moment, let alone do a 'hip brush push' at the same time (if that's what it is called). Very great concentration is required and I can see that it will be good for my coordination and balance eventually, so I shall persevere with it for a while.
It is interesting that I have had to learn yet another 'correct' way of standing and breathing - yoga posture and breathing are different from pilates, and tai chi is different again. I wonder which is really the ideal? None of them seem quite natural to me...
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